Woman bags derive from a most accurate production process, going from the choice of materials to the final realization, a guarantee of quality, Astore leather handbags are appreciated for being elegant and functional. Leather purses are made by master italian craftsmen since 1929. Astore leather bags value the made in Italy brand in the world.
Woman bags derive from a most accurate production process, going from the choice of materials to the final realization, a guarantee of quality, Astore leather handbags are appreciated for being elegant and functional. Leather purses are made by master italian craftsmen since 1929. Astore leather bags value the made in Italy brand in the world.
Astore leather handbags are dedicated to all women and fit with very different styles and outfits. Ideal for free time and casual clothes, summer collection hand painted leather bags fill life with colors. Women purses vibrate with originality in a classic contest. All woman bags can be purchased with matching shoes, wallet, belt and other accessories.
Astore leather handbags are dedicated to all women and fit with very different styles and outfits. Ideal for free time and casual clothes, winter collection hand painted leather bags fill the season with colors and vivacity. Women purses vibrate with originality also in a classic contest. All woman bags can be purchased with matching shoes, wallet, belt and other accessories.